Extreme Resistances to the following: Statistics Reduction, Death Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Disease Manipulation, Power Nullification, Mind Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Disintegration, BFR, Sleep Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Petrification, Transmutation, Magic, Sealing, Poison Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Law Manipulation, and Status Effect Inducement | All previous to a higher degree. The strongest known Demon Lord and Prince of his kind, Demogorgon wages war on the entire multiverse in order to achieve the ultimate goal of Demon kind, which is the obliteration of everything, including himself. YEENOGHU-Culte diabolique-AMON. A DC 46 Fortitude save removes these negative levels. Alliant une nature avide à un intellect cruel, Baphomet se consacre pleinement, ainsi que ses serviteurs, au renversement de toutes les civilisations. He is considered th… Known also as the Dark Prince, Graz’zt appears and acts more human than other demon princes. OpenSubtitles2018.v3. FRAZ-URB'LUU, who would take His name in vain: His wrath shall haunt your lands and wipe them clean. He is sometimes described as having six small black horns half-hidden amid his thick black hair. Hit: 31 (4d10 + 9) bludgeoning damage plus 22 (4d10) necrotic damage. Constantly vying for control of the greater body and want the destruction of the other, the two heads but are unable to do so without in turn destroying themselves. Gygax didn’t make much use of Graz’zt before he left TSR, but he apparently liked the character because he expanded upon him in his Gord the Rogue novels (1985–1988). One of the most powerful demon rulers of the Abss is Graz'zt, lord of an entire layer and dedicated foe of both Demogorgon and Orcus. Defeated Orcus and possibly four other Demon Lords, although this took the majority of Demogorgon's strength. stemming. Graz'zt, un des premiers et plus connus démons créés pour Donjons et Dragons, fut nommé un des meilleurs vilains de l'histoire de D&D dans la dernière version imprimée du magazine Dragon. These fiendish traits are apparent, regardless of whatever form Graz'zt chooses to take. Tier: Varies. Graz’zt is the schemer of the Abyss, and he constantly plots against Demogorgon and Orcus from his realm of Azzagrat. Bruce Cordell was inspired to use Demogorgon in his design because the creature is his favorite demon prince. Orcus, Graz'zt Dans le jeu de rôle Donjons et Dragons , Démogorgon est un puissant Prince Démon . He is also a dedicated foe of both Graz'zt and Fraz-Urb'luu. Symbol (Sp): Demogorgon can cast any symbol spell once per day as a spell-like ability (Sleep/Pain/Persuasion/Fear/Stunning/Weakness/Insanity/Death). For you are but His pawns and He your prince. When he claimed his title for the first time he defeated over a dozen other Demon Lords. For each negative level bestowed, Demogorgon heals 5 points of damage. His worshippers are lunatics or fanatics with fractured or damaged minds, driven to escalating feats of madness and destruction. Demogorgon cannot use his hypnosis gaze during the same round in which he uses his beguiling gaze, his insanity gaze, or both. The Abyss-Bound Soul feat is detailed in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss. He despises that Demogorgon calls himself the "Prince of Demons", for Graz'zt covets that title more than anything else. Graz'zt is bent on conquering the entire Abyss. Physically, Demogorgon appears as a two-headed ape-like creature with reptilian, webbed feet and tentacles as arms. The Travelogue Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Creatures can avoid the need to make saving throws by averting their eyes or wearing a blindfold. Dragon #357 says he was created by the Queen of Chaos. This ability is the equivalent of a 9th-level spell (CL 20th). MAMMON. https://travelogue.fandom.com/wiki/Demogorgon?oldid=2512. Leurs armées de morts-vivants et de démons affrontent les forces de Démogorgon, qui sont elles constituées principalement d'hezrous, d'aboleths, de scrags, d'amphibes et … Dual Actions (Ex): Demogorgon, having two heads with distinct intelligences and personalities, can take two rounds' worth of actions in any given round, as if he were two creatures. With enough of an upset balance, entire planes of existence can be sent careening into the Abyss, Anything a demon eats is sent to the Abyss, The insides of demons generate "blood", a black viscous material that, when it comes into contact with an enemy, induces supernatural fear and short term memory loss, Demonic interaction rends the soul and corrupts the flesh, Outsiders, when slain outside of their home plane, will drop their essence back into their own plane of existence to be reborn, typically a century later for lesser Outsiders and potentially instantly otherwise, Blood spontaneously appears in the presence of demons, oozing from walls and filling structures, Mazes conjure spontaneously in the presence of Demons, buildings can possess larger insides than outsiders permit, Weather is affected by the Chaotic upset of a demon's presence, Demons cause magical powers to become slightly modified in their presence, giving them a sickly, corrupted look, Plants and animals die for inexplicable reasons when in the same biome as a demon, Creatures of good or lawful alignments may become sickened or ill at ease when in a Demon's presence, A demon can warp the creatures in the area into dire forms of itself, becoming stronger and meaner, Demons of even lower stature can possess enemies to take control of them, Demons become insubstantial wisps whilst attempting to possess enemies, being unable to be touched even by other spiritual creatures, Demons can project freely onto the Astral Plane, Demons possessing a foe can take over their minds, Aside from the target's mind, a demon can hijack a target's senses, Possessed creatures can have their physiologies altered into those of demons over a course of days, Demons who take the role of a Corrupter Demon can, upon possessing a target or object, bestow curses with a touch, inducing severely reduced stats and capabilities, An Enhancer demon can bestow abilities upon an object it possesses, making it far stronger with various magical effects, When he claimed his title for the first time he defeated over a dozen other Demon Lords, https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Demogorgon?oldid=6978605. Demogorgon has intense rivalries with several Demon Lords, most notably Orcus and Graz'zt. He has yellowed fangs, pointed ears, and six slender fingers decorating each hand. And in the end but thralls to His demesne. DISPATER LUCIFER. OBOX-OB, who once ruled where He rules now: Your crown now rests upon the proper brow. BAEL. The hatred they share is legendary. The save DC is Charisma-based. LASER-wikipedia2 . Dual Actions (Ex): Demogorgon, having two heads with distinct intelligences and personalities, can take two roundsâ worth of actions in any given round, as if he were two creatures. According to kopru legends, Demogorgon has two mothers, Prukal and Shothotugg, which account for his twin personas. GRAZ'ZT, who deigns to claim His vaunted crown: Your triple realm shall rot from deep within. Although there probably was no such mythological being, by the late Middle Ages, the idea of Demogorgon as a primordial being whose very name was taboo to the ancient pagans had become fixed in the European imagination. Graz'zt … MEPHISTOPHELES SAMAEL . Graz'zt is well known for his numerous intricate plots and schemes - often at the expense of his chief rivals Orcus and Demogorgon, and is one of the most political-minded of his brethren. The Demogorgon was one of the first two demon lords created for Eldritch Wizardry in 1976, which introduced demons. Should feckless mortal seek to test His ire, Take heed of better foes than you now shamed- The adventurers have already encountered many devout thralls of the Demogorgon, including the Archpriest Bloppblippodd of Sloobludop who was attempting to convert her people to the worship of Leemoogoogoon the Deep Father, and the derro savants Narrak and Pliinki who were conspiring against the duergar of Gracklstugh. La cité de Zelatar est également à cheval sur les trois niveaux. The DC is Constitution-based. The demon towered a full 18 feet (5.5 meters) in height, his body at once sinuous like that of a snake and powerful like that of a great ape. For instance, he could take two standard actions and two move actions, or he could take two full-round actions. Rot (Su) Any living creature touched by Demogorgonâs tentacles must succeed on a DC 37 Fortitude save, or its flesh and bones begin to rot. His skin shines like polished obsidian, and his eyes glitter with malevolent green light. Amphibious (Ex): Even though Demogorgon has the aquatic subtype, he can survive indefinitely on land. True Seeing (Su) As the true seeing spell; continuous. The Demogorgon perpetuates an ancient feud between itselves, the Blood Lord Orcus, and the dark prince Graz'zt. Domaines : [Chaos][Destruction][Folie] Peu de créatures existantes peuvent rivaliser avec la puissance du Prince Démon règnant sur la 88ème couche des Abysses. With enough of an upset balance, entire planes of existence can be sent careening into the Abyss), BFR (Anything a demon eats is sent to the Abyss), Fear Manipulation, Memory Manipulation (The insides of demons generate "blood", a black viscous material that, when it comes into contact with an enemy, induces supernatural fear and short term memory loss), Corruption (Type 1, 2, and 3), Soul Manipulation (Demonic interaction rends the soul and corrupts the flesh), Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8; Outsiders, when slain outside of their home plane, will drop their essence back into their own plane of existence to be reborn, typically a century later for lesser Outsiders and potentially instantly otherwise), Blood Manipulation (Blood spontaneously appears in the presence of demons, oozing from walls and filling structures), Spatial Manipulation (Mazes conjure spontaneously in the presence of Demons, buildings can possess larger insides than outsiders permit), Weather Manipulation (Weather is affected by the Chaotic upset of a demon's presence, causing effects such as blizzards in the middle of summer or earthquakes away from fault lines), Power Modification (Demons cause magical powers to become slightly modified in their presence, giving them a sickly, corrupted look), Death Manipulation (Plants and animals die for inexplicable reasons when in the same biome as a demon), Disease Manipulation (Creatures of good or lawful alignments may become sickened or ill at ease when in a Demon's presence), Animal Manipulation, Biological Manipulation (A demon can warp the creatures in the area into dire forms of itself, becoming stronger and meaner), Possession (Demons of even lower stature can possess enemies to take control of them), Non-Corporeal (Demons become insubstantial wisps whilst attempting to possess enemies, being unable to be touched even by other spiritual creatures), Astral Projection (Demons can project freely onto the Astral Plane), Mind Manipulation (Demons possessing a foe can take over their minds), Sense Manipulation (Aside from the target's mind, a demon can hijack a target's senses), Transformation (Possessed creatures can have their physiologies altered into those of demons over a course of days), Curse Manipulation and Statistics Reduction (Demons who take the role of a Corrupter Demon can, upon possessing a target or object, bestow curses with a touch, inducing severely reduced stats and capabilities), Power Bestowal (An Enhancer demon can bestow abilities upon an object it possesses, making it far stronger with various magical effects), Telepathy (All demon types maintain telepathy), Flight, Enhanced Senses (Demogorgan can see perfectly fine in the dark and see infrared), Extrasensory Perception (True sight allows the Demogorgon to see through both natural and magical illusions, know the original form of shapeshifters, and see souls and concepts. His lower torso was saurian, like some great reptile with blue-green, scaly skin. Demogorgon (Donjons & Dragons) fictional creature in Dungeons and Dragons. The demon lord and his corruption can also induce special forms of madness, which are also detailed in the Out of the Abyss sourcebook. The hatred they share is legendary. @fr.wiktionary2016 Traductions devinées. Constant Spell-Like Abilities: Since he can use fly, unholy aura, and greater magic fang at will as spell-like abilities, these spells are always in effect when he's encountered. The Demogorgon perpetuates an ancient feud between itselves, the Blood Lord Orcus, and the dark prince Graz'zt. In Gary Gygax's Gord the Rogue series, Demogorgon is the brother of another demon lord called Mandrillagon. Any creature within 30 feet of the demon lord must make two successful DC 39 Will saving throws each round at the beginning of its turn, the first save against Demogorgonâs beguiling gaze and the second save against his insanity gaze. He had an immense forked tail. Demogorgon can actively target foes with his beguiling gaze and insanity gaze, in which case each gaze requires a standard action to activate. Stated as existing for multiple eons and was the first Tanar'ri that was created by the Obyriths, Classification: Prince of Demons | Lesser God, Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Abstract Existence (As outsiders, Demons are purely abstract in their physiology, only maintaining an illusion of fleshy existence), Chaos Manipulation/Law Manipulation (Demons play into the multiversal balance of Chaos and Law; they are formed from Chaos and their mere presence raises levels of ambient chaos, thus causing chaotic effects to take place. Able to negate durability in a number of ways | At least Low Multiverse level (As a Lesser Deity it should be superior to any of his previous forms), Speed: At least Hypersonic+, with High Hypersonic+ reactions (Comparable to or far above people who can avoid the spell Call Lightning and can tag individuals with the evasion feat) | At least Hypersonic+, with High Hypersonic+ reactions (Far stronger than his aspects) | | Infinite (Comparable to Labelas Enoreth) | Infinite, Lifting Strength: At least Class K (Can overpower creatures such as the Tarresque in a grapple) | At least Class K | Immeasurable | Immeasurable, Striking Strength: Multi-Continent Class | Low Multiversal | At least Low Multiversal, Durability: Multi-Continent level | Low Multiverse level (Has fought and defeated dozens of other Demon Lords, Primordials, and Gods) | At least Low Multiverse level, Stamina: Infinite; does not require sleep or rest, Range: Extended melee range due to size, much further with magic, Multi-Universal with Astral Projection and Scrying, Intelligence: At least Genius (Consistently rated above this category), possibly Extraordinary Genius (Its intelligence has been rated above Elder Brains at times). Vérifiez les traductions 'Demogorgon (Donjons & Dragons)' en Anglais. AZUVIDEXUS, who would dwell within His house: He'll vex the gods themselves to cast you out. Thanks to his dual actions ability, Demogorgon can use both gazes in the same round. OBOX-OB, who once ruled where He rules now: Your crown now rests upon the proper brow. Standing nine feet tall, Graz'zt appears as a lithe, muscular humanoid. In the Renaissance and beyond, he was often named as a major demon of Hell, as in John Milton's Paradise Lost, Ludovico Ario… Name Title Concerns Layer of the Abyss Previous Appearances and Notes Abraxas The Unfathomable Magic words, arcane secrets, talismans 17: Death's Reward *MM2 Adimarchus Prince of Madness Insanity 507: Occipitus Antagonist of the Shackled City Adventure Path modules published in Dungeon. The Demogorgon is the embodiment of chaos, madness, and destruction, seeking to corrupt all that is good and undermine order in the multiverse, to see everything dragged howling into the infinite depths of the Abyss. The creature takes 1d6 points of Constitution damage immediately and 1 point of Constitution damage every hour thereafter until it dies or a remove disease spell is cast. Le seigneur-démon Baphomet(FP 23) règne sur les minotaures et toutes autres créatures au cœur sauvage. Detailed in Dungeon #116, page 61. Summon Demon (Sp): Demogorgon can summon demons to his side to serve him, using a variant of most Tanar'ri's summon tanar'ri spell-like ability. BELZEBUTH. The save DC is Constitution-based. Any creature within 30 feet of the demon lord must make two successful DC 32 Will saving throws each round at the beginning of its turn, the first save against Demogorgonâs beguiling gaze and the second save against his insanity gaze. 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