The tu and voi forms are identical to their present indicative forms, except for the tu form of -are verbs, which add an -a to the root: domandare > domanda. In Italian pronouns come AFTER the imperative in the tu and voi forms: The pronoun joins with the imperative to make one word. Thank you. And sorry for quite vague tag as I have no reputation to create specific one. The dogs and their owners were recruited at the Italian School of Water Rescue Dogs, and were already qualified as water rescue teams. See a translation ... Italian Anche zampa/qua la zampa Anche zampa/qua la zampa. FYI, in Italy dogs are usually trained with German commands. Several of the commands induce basic dog obedience, while others are more advanced and primarily taught for entertainment value. See a translation 1 like 0 disagrees Highly-rated answerer jenna_m. Note phonetic pronunciations are shown in parentheses. Wait for them! Whether you're adopting a Spanish dog, living in a Spanish country and want to get a dog or want to bond with your dog by learning Spanish together, you've come to the right place. ; The (though the latter is hardly ever used) take the corresponding forms of the present subjunctive (take a gander at the table below). When the imperative is only one syllable mi becomes –mmi, ti … Below’s list of 28 dog commands is in rough order of importance: 1. Example: sit, stay, wait, come, heel, speak, down, paw, high five..., etc. Look at me, mum! Keep in mind that the translations from English are not always literal, but rather, they attempt to reflect the terms used by native speaking dog trainers of the various languages listed. #27 Un tavolo per uno / due, per favore – A table for one / two please Italian food is famous the world over and with good reason! This list of dog commands can help protect your dog from dangerous situations as well as improve your communication with him. I believe both "cadere" or "scendere" could be used but I'm wondering is there a common "doggy" word for it. Aspett a te li! If you really want to teach Italian commands, you should use the following: al piede (not very used, it's to walk side by side) seduto (sit, German sitz) seduto resta (stay sit down) fermo resta (stay) resta (short form for stay) terra (ground, German platz) terra resta (stay ground) G ua rda mi, mamma! Dog Training Commands List . These next few phrases will help you get by in restaurants so you can try out some of those delicious Italian recipes. There These dogs are trained to obey various commands … Can you list highly used dog commands in Italian? Taking the time to teach your pup these common dog commands is well worth the investment of your time and effort. Some of the most common dog training commands are listed below. Von Falconer K-9 Training Sitemap Arguably one of the most motivating reasons to learn Italian is to explore the country's cuisine! I'm training my dog by giving commands in Italian and wondering is there any specific word to tell a dog to drop something from a mouth. There are lots of things to think about when you get a new dog, and teaching them commands is one of them. Von Falconer K-9 Training Facilities Phone: (831) 427-3811 | Email: Call: (831) 427-3811 Email: 750 Comstock Lane - Santa Cruz, CA 95060 | Family & Personal Protection Dogs. A slash ("/") indicates alternative possibilities. List of German, French, Czech, & Hungarian Working Dog Commands Tweet This table was constructed by M. Plonsky, Ph.D. Mark is a psychology professor at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point. 05 Sep 09:55 PM.