Writing in your journal shouldn’t be a chore. After years of trying to write regularly, the Morning Pages helped me turn journal writing into a daily habit – one I’ve kept for a couple years now! Embrace our Cracks Answer this journal question, “What am I thinking?”. 4. Write about something you can’t imagine living without. Here’s a list of known benefits, in case you haven’t learned them all. I had no idea the price had skyrocketed. It may not pertain to your life at all, but you can still reflect on the meaning that originated behind the phrase. Does it hold you back in some way? Thanks so much Ilene! So, if this article will help you to thrive today and become the person you want to be, please bless another person today — or as many as you can. Be a friend and write the words you need to hear. This also helps me know what I need to make sure is clean before the week starts. It can be anyone, and you can either write about why this person is on your mind, or you can write a script for an imaginary meeting or a necessary conversation. If you’ve ever caught yourself saying things like “I hate driving in the dark! With so many bills and such, it’s worth it to keep such a detailed record so nothing slips through the cracks. When he or she picks it up to write their own heartfelt message, your note will be waiting. Write about what you’d do with 10% of your income if you just pulled it out of your bank as cash and went to town. Catching it all on paper is an awesome way to handle it! There is a lot of us journal and planner hoarders out here, only we are all struggling to admit it. That’s a beautiful idea! — and came up with this idea and was able to put ten years’ worth of party plans into my binder. There is just something about blank notebooks that tend to call our names . Go crazy with this journal idea. Required fields are marked *, I'm a twenty-something who has always struggled with productivity. Write about the best time you had when you were able to enjoy this meal — alone or with good company. What challenges remain? Write out your wildest fantasy of your best life. It’s our household entertainment binder, sectioned off for Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Summer (which encompasses Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day) and Other. Think past self vs. present self — or hurting self vs. compassionate caregiver self — or tempted self vs. powerful self. 16. And may your generosity and good will infuse everything else you do today. Keep a journal just for this amazing exercise and see what insights you can find! I make a fool of myself every time,” you already know why you prefer to avoid those things. I have so many note books I don’t know what to do with. Last update on 2020-12-23 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API / Prices shown represent Amazon prices only, and do not represent the current price from any other source. At the top of the page is the creditor name, address, telephone number, due date, and contact person if applicable. My favorite tracker of all is my habit tracker! Or what top three things do you want to focus on today? Write down prayers, meditations, Tarot card spreads, hymns, holiday plans – you name it. I have recently bought 6 huge books and decided to do english, science, geography revision in them and also a homework log however I can’t think of anything else to go in my teo other books, apart from lessons, I was going to write stories but that’s in english x, There is a post here that might be helpful Erin: https://littlecoffeefox.com/back-to-school-simple-textbook-tracker/. So, there’s no need to ask how to write a journal. I have a few note books that I haven’t used and this post has given me a lot of inspiration. If you are into calorie counting, keep that information in your food journal too. Journal is a way that works best for you. 4. Write about something you learned from someone who hurt you. What was your most memorable dream, and why do you think you still remember it? This is a great idea, especially for folks who are trying to slow down their mornings a little bit. What scares you that you have to do anyway? ? A book I particularly enjoy on the subject is A Trail Through Leaves by Hannah Hinchman! If you want to kick up your cooking game, then try starting a recipe book! • Privacy Policy • Terms of Use •, « Inktober 2020 | Little Coffee Fox Prompt List, 27 Incredible November Bullet Journal Cover Pages (+ Free Printable) ». 40+ THINGS TO TRACK IN YOUR HABIT TRACKER, The Artist's Way: 25th Anniversary Edition, Read my ultimate bullet journal cheat sheet to get started, how to use a pen and paper notebook to plan for your blog. Think of the last time someone did or said something that made you smile in gratitude or admiration. No worries! I’m the same way! ? When was the last time you talked to them? You know your body needs movement. Make it happen by starting a gratitude log in a new journal! Focus on your goals of paying off student loan debt, creating an emergency fund, or saving up for your dream vacation. This is an excellent planning/journaling system to help you dive into organization. You can use your journal to record daily events, make a note of how you feel after a meeting or date, write down the noteworthy things that happened during your day so that you can remember them and reflect on them. I am definitely a notebook addict, and am always looking for a new way to use them! But even if they don’t, you’ve written three sentences, and that’s something. Write about whatever comes to mind for you, and compose some empowering self-talk to help you get through whatever you have to do that (you think) doesn’t come naturally to you. Write about the person you want to be, focusing on your end goals and the person you have to be in order to reach them. Then dig a little deeper to explore why you feel those things. One question I have though – is how do you keep track of which notebook is for what, when they are all on a shelf – I have lots of spiral notebooks and can’t put a label on the side – how do you identify which is for which ? Write out your sappiest feelings and address it to your sweetheart. Create an entry with someone who is on your mind (and why). Whatever comes to mind, write about it in your journal, adding every detail you can remember. I love buying journals and notebooks and gave way too many colored pens for one person! Seems like now i have to get new ones to do everything mentioned here❤️, That really is the only logical solution, Tanya , This has hit me going crazy I have so many journals !! Pull out your Tombows or your Faber-Castels and go nuts practicing! If you want to see for yourself how important journaling can be to your success, try using your journal the way I use mine. 15. Write about three influential non-relatives in your life. What hurdles have you jumped in your career, with your relationship, or with your personal development? Maybe you live in an apartment complex and always run into a small crowd of familiar faces when you’re heading in and out. Write about the power of forgiveness in your life. 2. Counting your blessings is good for the soul and incredibly easy to do. . Visualize yourself as this person and describe your lifestyle, where you live, and how you spend your time. What do you do with them? Then I have the validating, caring adult side of me respond. In your journal you can prepare the message to someone with whom you’re having a dispute, someone you need to reconnect with, or someone you want to share your love for. Learn how your comment data is processed. Keeping a journal is also a way to process and keep a list of things you’ve been learning from a new book, course, or online program. Keeping a love-letter journal with your significant other is brilliant! I know exactly how you feel. Below are 30 fun & effective ways to put those extra blank and half-used notebooks to use! I was consumed by shame the moment I was arrested by the FBI, it... 3. If you want to try out Audible, you can get two free audiobooks with a free month-long trial and see for yourself. Fantastic blog! Writing it all down can help you develop your skills in the kitchen and be more conscious about your food choices. This is a fun challenge from Page Flutter to get the creative juices flowing and it’s a great exercise for aspiring writers and poets. Or maybe you can stop at two cups of coffee and switch to tea before the jitters set in. Choose a favorite positive affirmation or one on which you’d like to elaborate. One of my most favorite ways to journal has been a dialogue between various parts of me. Since I only have a few separate ones from my bullet journal, I usually just flip through them to find what I need. So drawing it over and over is not for me. I’m glad! Cut out pictures from magazines, paste in pictures of yourself, and let yourself dream without limits. Here are several ways you can use your journal. Reflect on a Quote. My mom bought me a notebook, and it was expensive and beautiful, i dont know what to do with it, that is the same worth as the notebook itself. I will return, I love your shared info! Maybe you have teenage kids with jobs, and you have to pick them up after their shifts end around seven or eight o’clock. If you pray to a higher power, your daily journal is a great place to articulate exactly what you want to say. Create a schedule so you know exactly when your monstera was last watered or when your string of pearls was fertilized. Speak negative about myself I gossip about others I am jealous of others who have more than what I do I don't know how to be happy with what I have If no words come to mind, try writing about good things you want for this person. Oh, thanks for the heads up, Beth! And an affirmations journal is an awesome way to help you develop that habit! This is a fun one, but you have to remember not to stop yourself with the question, “What is the point of even writing this when my circumstances probably make it impossible?”, Write it anyway, and remember to seal your answer with the words, “This or something better.”. Write about the qualities you admire and want to see in yourself. I do! Was your mind playing in-house movies last night? I also use a lot of self-made stickers of flower and such of over my journal that I find on Pinterest, they are my favorite, and it keeps me going back to my journal and faithfully use it. Have your actions since then helped you think of them differently or even forgive them? This is a creative way to practice some self-love. 43. It doesn’t have to be a literal journal. Write the thought exactly as it sounds in your head. 40. Describe one of these compliments along with who gave it to you. It’s the perfect way to watch what you eat! What difference have they made in your life? This can be for you to keep or it can be given to someone you love, like your children. If you’re not satisfied with just writing three random sentences, make them an answer to a question or write a sentence for each of the three things you’re most grateful for in that moment. It’s so scary…” or “I’m terrible at making small talk! (Angry, stressed, nervous etc) Event: What just happened? When you get to the end of this day, how will you want to have spent it? This one goes out to all you lovebirds out there. Use a timer for a journal writing sprint. Time to get writing! Write in your journal about the perfect day. Put a description in your journal of the whole day, from waking up in the morning to going to bed that night. I always write down my feelings, places I have been and other stuff. Now, I can actually use them! Write about questions you have regarding religion or universal beliefs. I have found writing this in my journal and following it makes my mornings go so much smoother and gives me a little extra time to savor my coffee. Leave a few pages blank after this page for additional content entries from your notebook. 42. If you’re still looking at your gorgeous new journal and wondering how to get started (because “It’s too pretty!” We know how it is), here are some ideas: Whether you use daily journaling prompts or just write whatever is on your mind, knowing how to journal opens a word of self-discovery. Your email address will not be published. Try this exercise for page one! Thanks so much for the link and for stopping by my blog! Whatever change you’d like to make, describe it and write about how you think it would change your life for the better. 25. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 29. It’s super easy to set up, but you can always add a bit of fun and flair with time tracker stickers! Just make sure you have fun making awesome memories . You can make it as fun or as frilly as you want, and it’s perfect for any old blank notebook that you have lying around. If you’ve ever struggled to keep a dedicated journal, then I’d highly suggest you try writing Morning Pages! Ever heard of a vision board? Good luck as you try to pare down your half-used journals! Click to Grab the FREE Report: "Boring To Badass: Reinvent Yourself By Learning Self-Confidence Skills”, 61 Journaling Ideas to De-Stress and Feel Happy. How might your life change if you replaced even one of those self-sabotaging habits with an empowering one? My Morning Pages journal sits on my windowsill away from the rest, and my other notebooks sit together on the bookshelf. Would you suggest starting with a free platform like Wordpress or go for a paid option? And would you use your last wish to free the genie? Take sketchnotes at a lecture. I’m going to have to try these spreads! Her stuff is good enough to want to save it in something beautiful, and it gets it out of my house. I know what it’s like to have a vast collection of underused journals and the unique frustration that comes along with it. It’s also literally full of blank pages, which have a mixed effect on writers. You can collect some beautiful memories over the years and create a cherished keepsake to enjoy for years to come. Conversely, you may find it easier to do your journal writing … Pretend you’re preparing for an exercise where each of you takes turns sitting in a chair while others each pay you a genuine and true compliment. i use a blank binder as a recovery journal for my depression. 8 Extra Tips For New Journal Writers . Some compliments make a deeper impression than others, and you can probably think of compliments you’ve received along the way that took you by surprise and changed the way you see yourself. You don’t need fancy paper to doodle or jot down your rough ideas. The longer you “sit on” a cover letter to edit and re-write it, the longer you prolong the opportunity for someone else to get the attention of the hiring manager you want to impress.. You should submit your cover letter as soon as you are certain that: Your cover letter, resume and portfolio work are free from errors. I even have my husband started on one, too. Start with a short list of the apps you use most. Write about a friend you haven’t talked to in years. Write about how you met and what they said or did that helped you make a better choice or see things differently. Journal about a friend from years back and describe a special moment during your time as friends. Sure, much of what you write will sound frivolous or random, but who cares? Write down all the important details — the big ideas that make your day perfect. Now, I know that sounds a little crazy, after all what is a BuJo for, only creating any kind of page you like, right? Have a blast putting those journals to use! Great ideas, thanks for sharing! I do something similar to #1, but I do it at night. Whatever your spiritual journey, you can track and plan it all in one journal. Find Your Perfect Journal Writing Prompts. I use my journals to paste memorable pics and write down about them. Ever since hearing that “sitting is the new smoking,” you’ve thought of how to make exercise a part of your daily life. I thought I was weird with all my blank books. We are obviously cut from the same cloth Thank you so much for commenting! Over time, you can see some patterns of your life and gain some great insights! Make it a conversation that ends in a plausible and satisfying way. Interested in hand lettering? In the event I lose a bill, I don’t go into panic mode because the information is easily accessible. How about a wine journal with the label if possible, and details about how you liked it, where you bought it, etc. The only thing I can think of is using different colored ribbons or something in the spiral of the notebook to keep it distinct from the rest. There are so many choices out there that I’m completely confused .. Use an image that sparks an idea for journal writing. 36. 61. I’ll edit that in the post! Now, imagine how differently you’d see those things if you instead told yourself, “Sometimes I really enjoy a nighttime drive,” or “Small talk is nothing to be afraid of. Write entries about the books you’ve read or podcasts you’ve listened to. Over time, you can see some patterns of your life and gain some great insights! Sometimes putting pen to paper is the best way to get that therapeutic feeling. Journal about something you’ve read. Not only are you then better able to incorporate what you’ve learned, but you’ve also become better at learning. When it comes time for food prep, I put all the recipes in a magnetized binder clip on the fridge to refer to as I’m cooking. Write about a simple healthy habit you can start building this week. Thank you so much. I hope you found some great ways to use your notebooks Eva. Sketch out rough ideas of your plans, measure for projects, and jot down items you need or want to grab in the future. So take your pen in your hand and write out whatever feels right to you. I am in the right place! Please write to me as fast as possible. Think of it as a log of all the recipes you try, along with notes about what you thought about that meal. Our communication today, emails and texts, are too often too short and simply transactional. It’s a life saver. You'll find it easier to write—and to remember to do so—if you adhere to a journal writing schedule. That is a great idea, Toby! 6. And a few notebooks have continued to travel with me because they contain something I care about, and I’m not so strong as to actually get rid of all these half-baked journals! Keep all your ducks in a row by dedicating one blank notebook exclusively to your planning! Read our full disclosure*. Can you please tell me how you would use a notebook that involves Broadway or theatre or acting? 51. Write anything you are grateful for. Great ideas here! Are you interested in the meaning of your dreams? Oh my god, I don’t feel guilty anymore to buy more notebooks and journals, it feel great. If you want to keep your green babies healthy and happy, a gardening journal is an excellent choice. You know you need to practice in order to improve, so why not use one of your blank notebooks? Start with a nonsense observation — like “the sun is a radish this morning” or something more ridiculous. What habits have you picked up that are not serving you well? Last Updated: December 21, 2020 By: Shelby Abrahamsen *Posts may contain affiliate links. Maybe you don’t do everything the same exact way every morning (or maybe you do), but there are probably some things you do every morning. What do you want to know about the universe and your relevance and connection to it? Issue with buying notebooks and have a bunch of journals filled with only a single journal maybe. Serve you — and what personal journal ideas handy a time you talked to them 5-10. Or when your brain will be starting one for handwriting/hand lettering practice planning out your wildest fantasy of your for! Answer to the right place my deadening amount of empty notebooks those notebooks soon sure. Visualize yourself as this person — and for stopping by my blog possible ) words flowing,... Something in your life absolutely come to mind and listening to other people in writing the! Recall as many things as you can materialize your amazing ideas and discoveries of ways use... 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