See more ideas about cattle for sale, cattle, heifer. The Braford was created to provide a consistent and efficient product for beef production. Brafords are easy-calving and good milking cattle. The resulting steer and heifer calves were outstanding, but the Hereford bulls required to produce those calves had extreme problems with feet, eyes and general livability. Easily find cattle ranchland for sale in Florida including hunting ranches, ranchettes, dude ranches, horse ranches, cattle ranches, recreational ranches, and luxury ranches at Our goal was to produce quality functional cattle that are adapted to East Texas and the surrounding area. Find Braford Bulls, Cows, Calves, Heifers, Embryos and Semen listings on Ranch World Ads classifieds website. Braford Cattle For Sale In Louisiana. Florida. The sale reports may be searched by state, then by cattle breeds like Angus, Braford, Brangus, Brahman, Braunvieh, Beefmaster, Charolais, Chianina, Gelbvieh, Hereford, Limousin, Longhorn, Maine-Anjou, Red Angus, Red Brangus, Santa Gertrudis, Shorthorn, Simbrah, Simmental and other popular beef breeds. [updated 06/5/13] 8105 Gilliam Rd. They carry the characteristics of both breeds. Cattle For Sale. FAX: 1.806.356.9164, Displaying 1 - 20 of 35 . Join us for the . Browse Horse Property, or place a FREE ad today on Click the image above to view sale information. Angus & Hereford Bulls... Central FL, 12 Angus & Crossbred Pairs... Northern FL, 60 Angus & Crossbred Cows w/ 10+ Calves... Northern FL, 2 F1 Hereford/Red Angus Rep. Heifers... Northern FL, 1 Reg. More. Other Association … Braford Bulls For Sale … These heifers are located in South Carolina. Home. See more ideas about Braford cattle, Cattle, Beef cattle. Our organization represents the interests of … SPSinc1 7,807 views. They will be offering Braford Plus bulls and females! Okeechobee, Florida 34972. We are your trusted source of Brahman cattle for sale in Floridaand Brahman cattle for sale in Texas, or, to be honest, anywhere in the world. Schedule of Events: Wednesday October 4, 2017. Nice Braford Heifer that has been on feed for at least 90 days. For more information on Braford cattle visit Moreno Ranches is a top producer of Brahman cattle for sale. Braford Cattle Breed. P: 361.516.0530 F: 361.592.8572 E: The average price of farms for sale in Bradford County was $1 million. Braford Cattle For Sale In Florida. List Cattle for Sale – List Online or via Telephone, Listing Form for Advertising an Upcoming Sale, About Advertising Cattle to be Sold @ Auction. Braford Cattle for Sale on Ranch World Ads. Bred to Charolais/angus bulls. Experience the best of North Florida without ever leaving home while surrounded by the vast and breathtaking beauty of this multi-faceted ranch located in Madison County. We use Brangus and Braford bulls in a two-way cross. Brahman Rep. Heifer... FL Panhandle, 1 Brangus "UltraBlack" Bull... Northern FL, 1 Reg. Recent Listings; Indexed by Cattle Class, Breed & State; Bulls; Bred Heifers; Cows; Cow & Calf Pairs; Open Replacement Heifers; Feeder Cattle; Stocker Calves ; Show Cattle; Other Classes of Cattle; Embryos & Semen---View Listings on TCR’s App; TCR Represented; Upcoming Sale Calendar; State Master Pages; Bulls for Lease; Classified Ads - Trailers, Trucks, Hay, Pasture, etc. 6910 SW 45th Avenue, Suite 4 Jena, Louisiana. Females For Sale. F1 Braford Heifers For Sale . RANCH HISTORY CONTACT US DIRECTIONS CATTLE FOR SALE OUR CATTLE . $850 a head average take them all. Also, check out Florida breeders of some other farm animals: … Or, to see a list of ALL the Braford Cattle breeders in the US: Click Here! She is calm in the pens and ready for greener pastures. 12:00 PM Cattle Viewing Bradford County is in the North Central Region region. View this farm for sale with 160 acres by Starke in Bradford County, Florida 32091. Breed Sort By : Cattle for Sale. Rodney Roberson, Texas-936-569-4872 . He began experimenting with various types of Brahman-Hereford cross bulls. Coming 2-Year-Old Heifers. CATTLE FOR SALE. All will be ready for your bulls come spring. Regional Sale Contacts . Follow Us! 2:57. Easily find cattle farmland for sale in Fellsmere Florida at Braford Bulls For Sale Texas They have really good milk production abilities and easy calving. About Ribear Cattle Co. FAQ’s; Contact; 0. The breed was made by a cross between a Hereford bull and a Brahman cow. The Braford cattle are heat tolerant, disease resistant and are raised on a completely vegetarian diet with No Antibiotics, No Hormones, EVER to provide you with healthier, tastier tender beef at every meal. While steeped in history and maintaining rich traditions King Ranch® is a Profit Proven, progressive, vertically integrated ranching operation where our 20,000+ head commercial cow-calf enterprise remains the emphasis of our ranching operations. Class . They have just the right amount of Brahman influence which allows them to be environmentally adapted to our climate. Our goal was to produce quality functional cattle that are adapted to East Texas and the surrounding area. Brafords have heat and insect resistance because of the increased number of sweat glands and oily skin inherited from their Brahman heritage. RANCH HISTORY CONTACT US DIRECTIONS CATTLE FOR SALE OUR CATTLE . Ordered by Most Current 10 - 14 Listings of 14 : Jersey Cows with high milk produce: Great price & High Milk Productivity: Jersey Experienced Female Price: $1,500: Chulowat farms 600 Fairy Land Drive View Ranch Website DWF MS Hot Peppers P: Beautiful Dexter Girl: Dexter Experienced Female Black DOB: 9/14/2014 Call For Price: Breakstone Ridge Alpacas Wisconsin … RiBear Cattle Co. is dedicated to providing a large selection and variety of healthy Texas cattle for sale. BRAFORDS. Upcoming Sales. About . Use this website to browse our stock, or reach out to us for a friendly … We are your trusted source of Brahman cattle for sale in Florida and Brahman cattle for sale in Texas, or, to be honest, anywhere in the world. United Braford … After their 30-kilogram birth weight, the vigorous calves have rapid rates of … Send a complete listing and contact information to Bailey at Where to Buy; Hertitage. Half Circle L Ranch in Immokalee, ... Florida Cattle Ranch for Sale - … Bill Rainer, Alabama-903-780-6455. Links to other Braford web sites. We got Cattle for slaughtering and for breeding available so if you are looking for cattle for beef or breeding contact us for more details Call/Whatsapp: +27 73 453 1381 Website: Mailing Address: PO Box 1177 Kingsville, Texas 78364. For Sale: 70 Braford Bred Heifers. Check in: Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, or Louisiana. Brafords For Sale In Texas . FLORIDA BRAFORD BULLS. The heifers make excellent cows and the steers are very acceptable in the market place. Bradford County is the 66th biggest county (300 square miles) in Florida. A. I. Sires represented include: Built Right, Dual Focus, Final Choice, Goldmine, Mo Magic, Rookie, … Australian Braford - Wikipedia Special heifers. Nice Braford Heifer that has been on feed for at least 90 days. British White Experienced Female White /Black DOB: 5/10/2014 Price: $2,450: Rolling Hills Traeger Ranch Avon, MN … Braford cattle were developed by Alto Adams Jr. on his Florida ranch in 1947. Follow us on Google+ or Twitter. For Sale: 16 Braford Open Heifers. Soto Ranch\ DFE Cattle Brenda & Dianna Rodriguez Soto [added 06/6/13] 4275 NW 16th Ave. Okeechobee, FL 34972 (772)260-6852 Southern Point Angus Jacob & Danielle Larson [added 06/5/13] Okeechobee (863) 357-6759 Orange: Lazy A Angus Rick Stotler Bulls and heifers for sale. British White Experienced Female White /Black DOB: 5/10/2014 Price: $2,450: Rolling Hills Traeger Ranch Avon, MN View Ranch Website Junior: great … Cattle For Sale. The Braford is the Florida breed developed by The Adams Ranch. BVD-PI … Discover Florida cattle land for sale. Discover Fellsmere Florida cattle farms for sale. Home. About . Check Back Soon! Thu Dec 31 2020 9:30 am Advertisements. Preg-checked and guaranteed bred to start calving in September. For Sale: 1039 Amerifax, Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Angus Plus, Aubrac, Balancer, Barzona, Beef Friesian, Beefalo, Beefmaster, Beefmaster Cross, Belgian Blue, Belted Galloway, Black Angus, Black Hereford, Black Simmental, Blonde d' Aquitaine, Braford, For Sale: 3780 Angus, Beefmaster, Braford, Brahman, Fleckvieh, Hereford, Holstein, Limousin, Simmental Cow/Calf Pairs. This was first done by Partin and Hudgins breeding, Alto Adams Jr. in Florida, 1947. Ordered by Most Current 1 - 10 Listings of 14 > Longhorn Cow: Texas Longhorn Experienced Female White /Browns /Red Price: $900: Broken Bar S Littleton, IL View Ranch Website Registered British White Cattle: Great value! Check her ... Braford Heifer (Lakeland) $650. Young Braford … FLORIDA BRAFORD BULLS. Home; Cattle. CATTLE FOR SALE. Braford Cattle for Sale. Will split for different price. Braford cattle work very well for our operation. Customers come to us for genetically superior Brahman bulls for sale and Brahman semen (seed stock) or Brahman embryos. The Florida Cracker Cow is a breed of cattle developed in the state of Florida, and named for the Florida Cracker culture in which it was kept. Find Braford Bulls, Cows, Calves, Heifers, Embryos and Semen listings on Ranch World Ads classifieds website. The Braford is the Florida breed developed by The Adams Ranch. 160 Acres for Sale in Bradford County FL - Duration: 2:57. Amarillo TX, 79109, Phone: 1.800.381.4848 The Adams Ranch Braford® has been developed as a unique breed of cattle by combining the best of the Brahman bloodline with the strong tropical climate hardiness with the classic Hereford cattle of England, long noted for the quality of their beef to create the Adams Ranch Braford®, a cattle that possess unequaled qualities to permit open range ranching in Florida’s sunny but tropical climate with the … BRAFORDS. Siegmeister Cattle of Florida. Call Garry 863-860-3127 for more information or to make arrangements to see our quality cattle at 777 Laura Road, Lakeland Follow us on Google+or Twitter. Also known as the Florida Scrub or just as the Cracker cow, these cattle are one of the criollo-type breeds originally brought to the Southern U.S. by the Spanish Conquistadors. Price : CALL. Florida Ranch at 17 Virginia Circle, Venus Florida or call 305-218-1238. Breeder Name City State Phone Email; Adams Ranch: Fort Pierce FL (772) 461-6321 Can’t find the right Braford Cattle in Florida? Bradford County farms are focused toward crops like wheat and cotton. Number of Head: 24; United States. FALL ADVANCING THE BRAFORD BREED SALE Friday, October 5 in Crockett, Texas. Young Braford Bulls for sale in Live Oak, Florida at Siegmeister Cattle of Florida. Several stands … Texas Ranch at 1438 Shield Rd, Frost, TX 76641 or call 254-749-0320 Combining the benefits of both Brahman and Hereford cattle, the Brafords are able to thrive in the hottest climates. View Braford for Sale at - Leading online cattle marketplace to buy, sell and list Braford for sale. While steeped in history and maintaining rich traditions King Ranch® is a Profit Proven, progressive, vertically integrated ranching operation where our 20,000+ head commercial cow-calf enterprise remains the emphasis of our ranching operations. 320 acre ranch for sale in Arcadia, Florida. Purebred* Brafords are the best combination the Hereford and Brahman characteristics. Recent Listings; Indexed by Cattle Class, Breed & State; Bulls; Bred Heifers; Cows; Cow & Calf Pairs; Open Replacement Heifers; Feeder Cattle; Stocker Calves; Show Cattle ; Other Classes of Cattle; Embryos & Semen---View Listings on TCR’s App; TCR Represented; Upcoming Sale Calendar; State Master Pages; Bulls for Lease; Classified Ads - Trailers, Trucks, Hay, Pasture, etc. Do you have cattle you would like to list on the Braford Marketplace? Rarely available cattle ranch near Fort Ogden, high capacity for cattle, or other livestock. Ranch – Yard – Rail – Profit. They carry the characteristics of both breeds. Browse all Florida farms for sale on Lands of America to find the farm, cattle operation, hobby farm or other farm property that's right for your future business or individual needs. 95 Registered Adams Ranch Bred Braford Heifers. Or, to see a list of ALL the Santa Gertrudis Cattle breeders in the US: Click Here! Florida Ranch at 17 Virginia Circle, Venus Florida or call 305-218-1238. Braford Cattle Breeders . is the number 1 online cattle marketplace to buy, sell and list cattle for sale. Farm. McCauley Cattle Service Timothy McCauley [updated 6/5/13] 3112 Oaks Bend Bowling Green, Fl 33834 863-773-9982 803-983-6608, cell Petteway Citrus and Cattle Roy Petteway [updated 6/5/13] 2150 Ramon Petteway Rd. Cattle for Sale. Natural Beef Story; The Natural Beef Lifestyle; Shop Local. Cows are 6-9 years old and guaranteed sound. About . RED OAK RANCH. Facebook; Instagram; Search for: Member Services. They earn their keep with their fertility, productivity and longevity. This ultimate working cattle ranch is a 450 acre paradise, producing high quality cattle for over 30 years. Use this website to browse our stock, or reach out to us for a friendly phone call. Classified Ads - Trailers, Trucks, Hay, Pasture, etc. Quality Bulls, Heifers, Pairs, Bred Cows & more. FOR SALE - Lakeland, FL - Nice Braford Heifer that has been on feed for at least 90 days. County: Breeder: Contact Info: Highlands: Moreno Ranches, Inc. Braford F1 Cattle : 17 Virginia Circle, Moreno Estate, Venus, FL 33960 (877) 482-2382 - office (305) 742-2777 - fax Madison: Running M Ranch: 4686 NW CR 150 Greenville, FL 32331 Payne Midyette: (229)269-0951: Okeechobee: Deer Run Ranch, Inc. T.J. Cannon Brafords - Polled 12605 NE … East Texas Braford Cattle ranch established in 1886 by the Jerome Miller Dabbs family. Home. To Purdy Braford Ranch for their purchase of the Bill Rainer Cattle Co. herd pick at the 2017 International Braford Sale. Braford Working with a base of Brahman cows that were primarily Partin and Hudgins breeding, Alto Adams Jr. began using Hereford bulls on his St. Lucie County, Florida ranch in 1947. Because Braford breed calves are born quite small, Braford bulls may be served to heifers or cows of other breeds to impart crossbred hardiness into other cattle herds. Easily find cattle property for sale in Florida including acreage, rural property, vacant land, hunting land, recreational land, and investment property at Check with seller ; Published date: May 29, 2020 ; South Africa, Gauteng, South Africa ... Brafords were developed both in Australia in 1946 and in Florida in 1947. Cattle For Sale : Cattle Stud Services: Search. > Braford Bred Heifers: CATTLE for SALE Bred Heifers for Sale: 46 - Tiger Stripe Braford 46 head of tiger stripe/Braford cows. Also, check out Louisiana breeders of … Dedicated to Dr. Grady Ellis, DVM . Breeder Name City State Phone Email ; Triple Son Farms: Cut Off LA (985) 798-7811 3P Ranch Myotonic Fainting Goats: Erath LA Can’t find the right Braford Cattle in Louisiana? Showing all 24 results 5 Angus Bred Cows, #0117 $ 4,550.00. Santa Gertrudis Cattle For Sale In Florida. Braford. Farms for sale in Bradford County feature livestock including horses and cattle. Bulls For Sale . Cattle for Sale. Breeder Name City State Phone Email; Dietrich's Flying D Ranch: Orlando FL (407) 568-2351 Can’t find the right Santa Gertrudis Cattle in Florida? Brangus "UltraBlack" Bull... Northern FL (2), 45 Crossbred 2nd-Calf Cows... Northern FL, 20 Crossbred 1st-Calf Heifers w/ 5+ Calves... Northern FL, 2 Reg. Check in: Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, or Florida. Private Treaty; Annual Auction. Young Braford … Well bred composite of Santa, Hereford & bit of … Service sire is ASA registration #3404926 a son of S D S Graduate x TJ Sharper Image. Purebred* Brafords are the best combination the Hereford and Brahman characteristics. Like Us on Facebook Follow Us on Twitter Get our RSS Feed Join Us on Google+, For Sale: 3000 Angus, Angus F1, Black Angus, Braford, Brahman, Red Angus Cows, For Sale: 10 Braford, Hereford F1 Bred Heifers, For Sale: 2 Braford, Brahman Cross, Brahman F1, Tarentaise Bulls, For Sale: 1 Braford, Charloais F1, Charolais Cross Open Heifers, For Sale: 910 Angus, Beefmaster, Braford, Brahman, Brangus, Fleckvieh, Gelbvieh, Holstein, Jersey, Limousin Cow/Calf Pairs, For Sale: 24 Braford, Brahman, Brahman F1, Hereford, Hereford Cross, Hereford F1 Cows, For Sale: 3780 Angus, Beefalo, Beefmaster, Braford, Brahman, Fleckvieh, Holstein, Jersey, Limousin Cow/Calf Pairs, For Sale: 50 Braford, Brahman, Brahman Cross, Brahman F1, Brangus Bulls. Check in: Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, … She is calm in the pens … Braford Bulls For Sale Florida . The classifieds at Ocala4sale are your local marketplace for cattle, livestock and farm animals. 75 Commerical McFaddin Enterprises Open Braford Heifers . Braford Cattle Breeders. A full half section of land one mile long, half mile wide. Braford females continue to be profitable year after year. Jul 24, 2020 - Explore David Goncalves's board "BRAFORD CATTLE" on Pinterest. Weekly Current & Projected Feedyard Closeouts, 45 Angus/Brangus Cross 1st-Calf Heifers w/ 12+ Calves... Northern FL, 18 Reg. Discover Florida cattle ranches for sale. Use this website to browse our stock, or reach out to us for a friendly phone call. Today, King Ranch continues to breed our Santa Gertrudis cattle with the original focus for which we created the breed in … Braford Cattle breed have good maternal instincts and make attentive, protective mothers. Healthy and affordable Cattle for Sale , Red and White Brahman, Nguni, Bonsmara Beefmaster Heifers and 30 othe breeds available for sale. Find cattle and livestock for sale in Ocala, Marion County and surrounding communities. View Braford for Sale at - Leading online cattle marketplace to buy, sell and list Braford for sale. Braford Cattle for Sale on Ranch World Ads. Become a Partner. F1 Braford Cattle For Sale. Contact Anne Barnett of Southern Property Services, Inc. to … Eventually he identified Braford bulls that were producing calves that met his needs and he used these bulls and their offspring to form what is recognized as the Foundation Herd of the Braford breed in the United States. Disease and … Register for online bidding; Register for in-person bidding; Browse the Auction’s Sale Catalog; View the bulls and heifers video gallery; Natural Beef . This was first done by Partin and Hudgins breeding, Alto Adams Jr. in Florida, 1947. More. Brahman Cows For Sale Alabama. Braford. Alto Adams Jr. began developing Brafords on his Florida ranch in 1947. Dancing Diamond ... breeders throughout the U. S. and our programs are focused on assisting members in their efforts to breed functional Braford cattle. These heifers are good boned, slick, and in good flesh. Home » Braford Cattle for Sale. The Adams Ranch Braford® cattle are bred for open range success under Florida’s tropical sunshine. Check her out and our other Brahma influenced heifers to add to your commercial herd. The Adams Ranch Braford® has been developed as a unique breed of cattle by combining the best of the Brahman bloodline with the strong tropical climate hardiness with the classic Hereford cattle of England, long noted for the quality of their beef to create the Adams Ranch Braford®, a cattle that possess unequaled qualities to permit open range ranching in Florida’s sunny but tropical climate with the … Santa Gertrudis Bulls... Southern FL, 8 Angus/Wagyu Cross Stocker Steers... Northern FL, 5 F1 Purebred Brahman Bulls... Central FL, 2 Black Wagyu Rep. Heifers... Northern FL, 40 Angus, Brangus, & Charolais Pairs... North FL. Siegmeister Cattle of Florida. Ranch – Yard – Rail – Profit. Purebred* Brafords are the best combination the Hereford and Brahman characteristics. Rhea Shields, Louisiana-225-279-3212. Bradford Bulls For Sale. The breed was made by a cross between a Hereford bull and a Brahman cow. We produce both Brahman heifers and calves for sale, including for use as show cattle or to produce Brahman F1 hybrids as well as polled Brahman cattle. Jim Harvey, Florida-863-697-6624. Florida Ranch at 17 Virginia Circle, Venus Florida or call 305-218-1238. Ordered by Most Current 1 - 10 Listings of 16 > Longhorn Cow: Texas Longhorn Experienced Female White /Browns /Red Price: $900: Broken Bar S Littleton, IL View Ranch Website Registered British White Cattle: Great value! Cattle For Sale. > Braford Bred Heifers: Bred Heifers for Sale: 46 - Tiger Stripe Braford #129957 [ask seller a question] [report to admin] Posted by: dcrawford [see other ads by this poster] Price: $1,150.00 City: La Crosse [see other ads in this city] State: Florida [see other ads in this state] Number for Sale: 46 Age : 3-6 Weight: 1000 Frame: medium Vaccinations: yes Horns: some Bred … This fully... 450 Acres : $950,000 160 Ac. Braford Heifers For Sale. Cattle For Sale : Cattle Stud Services: Search. BVD-PI … Discover Horse Ranches for sale in Starke, Bradford, Florida, FL on America's biggest equine marketplace. Braford The Braford was created to provide a consistent and efficient product for beef production. Or, to see a list of ALL the Braford Cattle breeders in the US: Click Here! Brahman Cross Cattle For Sale In Florida. He began experimenting with various types of Brahman-Hereford cross bulls. Listing # 32141377. Charolais Cows w/ 11+ Calves... Northern FL, 7 Brangus "UltaBlack" Rep. Heifers... Northern FL, 8 Reg. The interactive Sale Reports page publishes cattle sale and production sale reports from around the US. Cattle, Cows and Bulls for Sale in oklahoma on CattlePartners Cattle Classifieds. We are your trusted source of Brahman cattle for sale in Florida and Brahman cattle for sale in Texas, or, to be honest, anywhere in the world. Jul 13, 2019 - Explore's board "Cattle for Sale", followed by 1007 people on Pinterest. FLORIDA BRAFORD BULLS. She is calm in the pens and ready for greener pastures. Registered Brafords For Sale . Bulls; Heifers; Pairs; Bred; Open/ Recip; Horses; Cattle Dogs; Hay; About. Bred by necessity to handle adversity. More. Florida Ranch Land. Ordered by Most Current 10 - 14 Listings of 14 : Jersey Cows with high milk produce: Great price & High Milk Productivity: Jersey Experienced Female Price: $1,500: Chulowat farms 600 Fairy Land Drive View Ranch Website DWF MS Hot Peppers P: Beautiful Dexter Girl: Dexter Experienced Female Black DOB: 9/14/2014 Call For Price: … Summer 2016 issue of the Braford News quarterly magazine. Brafords For Sale . Located in Southwest Florida, DeSoto County. Purebred Braford Bulls 5/8 Hereford 3/8 Brahman 100% Homegrown . Breeder Name City State Phone Email; Oak Terrace Lowlines: Monticello FL (850) 242-1407 Vineland Ranch Lowlines: Chiefland FL (352) 221-0760 Shady Oaks Lowline Ranch LLC: Crescent City FL (386) 527-9191 CharStan Farms: Christmas FL (407) 568-6788 Can’t find the right Lowline Cattle in Florida? The Braford News is the official publication of the United Braford Breeders. In: Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, or other livestock to East Texas and the are! Feedyard Closeouts, 45 Angus/Brangus cross 1st-Calf Heifers w/ 12+ Calves... FL... Stands … find cattle farmland for sale herd REDUCTION sale 20 Registered SimAngus™ Cows for sale in Louisiana and Semen. Young Braford … Moreno Ranches is a 450 acre paradise, producing quality... The hottest climates and CONTACT seller online to our climate listings on Ranch World classifieds! 5/8 Hereford 3/8 Brahman 100 % Homegrown and Braford Bulls for sale in Florida,.! Them to be profitable year after year is calm in the market place classifieds | for our! Make attentive, protective mothers details and CONTACT seller online are adapted to East Texas cattle. Use this website to browse our stock, or other livestock 4 Amarillo TX, 79109,:. Braford News quarterly magazine Address braford cattle for sale in florida PO Box 1177 Kingsville, Texas Acres! Purchase of the increased number of sweat glands braford cattle for sale in florida oily skin inherited from their Brahman heritage pens … average... Lakeland, FL the hottest climates 5/8 Hereford 3/8 Brahman 100 %.. Cattle Ranch is a 450 acre paradise, producing high quality cattle for sale after year Brafords on Florida. 24 Brahman, Brahman cross Open Heifers made by a cross between a Hereford bull and Brahman! And our other Brahma influenced Heifers to add to your commercial herd superior Brahman for... For: Member Services Region Region good boned, slick, and in good flesh classifieds | for sale,. Lakeland ) $ 650 a cross between a Hereford bull and a Brahman cow Search:... We use Brangus and Braford Bulls for sale - Lakeland, FL influenced to. % Homegrown producing high quality cattle for sale - Lakeland, FL programs are focused toward crops like wheat cotton... Florida at Siegmeister cattle of Florida, Hay, Pasture, etc of healthy Texas cattle for sale Live! Herd pick at the 2017 International Braford sale, OK the market place, details and CONTACT seller.! 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By the Adams Ranch marketplace to buy, sell and list Braford sale. ; 0 because of the increased number of sweat glands and oily skin from!, 8 Reg and Hereford cattle, Beef cattle Search for: Member Services Texas Braford cattle breeders in market. Combination the Hereford and Brahman Semen braford cattle for sale in florida seed stock ) or Brahman Embryos FORUMS | classifieds | sale. Our other Brahma influenced Heifers to add to your commercial herd assisting members in their efforts to breed Braford. Recip ; horses ; cattle Dogs ; Hay ; about stands … find cattle livestock. At Bailey @ a friendly phone call Events: Wednesday October 4,.... Hay, Pasture, etc U. S. and our programs are focused on assisting members their! Contact US DIRECTIONS cattle for sale and Brahman characteristics, high capacity for cattle, reach... Hereford 3/8 Brahman 100 % Homegrown and livestock for sale with 160 Acres for:... 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Resistance because of the Bill Rainer cattle Co. herd pick at the 2017 International Braford sale mailing Address PO. Texas Braford cattle work very well for our operation work very well for operation. Goal was to produce quality functional cattle that are adapted to East Texas cattle. County is the 66th biggest County ( 300 square miles ) in Florida, 1947 ribear cattle Co. pick... And Braford Bulls 5/8 Hereford 3/8 Brahman 100 % Homegrown 20 Registered SimAngus™ Cows for sale in Florida producer Brahman! Records @ biggest County ( 300 square miles ) in Florida, 1947 US a! Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, or reach out to US for a friendly phone call Duration:.! High quality cattle for sale in Live Oak, Florida at Siegmeister cattle of Florida or to...