A study of “first philosophy,” this course inquires into the nature of being, considered as such. The Education Department at Hillsdale College on Academia.edu A study of representative plays from the French theatre of the 20th century. The Theatre in History 1: Dramatic Literature, History, Theory, and Criticism of the Ancient World. English 403 provides an upper-division study of the Western literary tradition. An introduction to business finance, covering the topics of present value, stock and bond valuation, capital budgeting, financial forecasting and capital structure. An introduction to cellular structure and function and the biochemical basis for genetic control of cell function. This course is designed to help the student further understand the basics of human movement by applying mechanical principles to biological systems. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems. Readings in contemporary theories and disputes in metaphysics. The weekly two-hour laboratories will involve dissections of lamprey, sharks, cats, and observation of a prosected human cadaver. This course combines a survey of journalistic literature with practical lessons in how to write well, in which students will aspire to bring historical subjects to life through vivid prose. A study of the Internal Revenue Code relating to the taxation of corporations, partnerships, trusts, estates and related entities. Hillsdale's modern rise to prominence occurred in the 1970s. Intended for the serious performer, this class will prepare students to proceed from character analysis to finished performance makeup. A group study of a specific field of Spanish literature. The study of microorganisms, focusing on bacteria and viruses. Study of the principles and practice of public policy-making in America, with special attention to major controversies in contemporary public policy. The reading and discussion of representative works of Spanish literature from Post-Modernism to the contemporary period. Studies in the theory of money and credit. Course includes field trip opportunities for hands-on learning that can be applied to environmentally responsible homestead management. A course involving visual design in computer applications. Classics is offered as both a major and minor. The basic principles of auditing, including elements of internal control, statistical sampling, financial statement and audit reports. Includes discussion of the development of the broadcast media in the U.S. and elsewhere, the regulatory function of the Federal Communications Commission, and the organization of the media, both at network and local levels. Detailed discussion of torts, crimes, sales and contract law. Case studies covering the topics of corporate financial analysis, value creation, financing alternatives, international finance and derivative securities. An introduction to philosophy of science, logical structure of the scientific method and principles of univariate statistics for the biological sciences. Selections from Horace, Vergil, Livy, Propertius, Tibullus, and Ovid. The origins of American Constitutional concepts, the writing of the Constitution, American federalism in operation, and legal issues caused by sectionalism and the Civil War. Readings in contemporary theories and disputes in epistemology. English, Science, Economics, Philosophy, and so many others--Hillsdale's majors and minors prepare for a life's pursuit of meaning, depth, and purpose. Hosted by Scot Bertram. A survey of general considerations such as instructional strategies, cognitive development, classroom management and discipline. An introduction to the principles of valid reasoning designed to develop analytical skills and abilities. The study of plants and animals in a natural environment: interdependence of living organisms, plant and animal succession, population, food and energy, habitat and ecological niches. Explores some of the most important historians and scholars of the twentieth century. Hillsdale College, located in Hillsdale, Michigan (the Devos family’s home state), is regarded as “the conservative Harvard,” in some circles, and has been the recipient of generous donations from numerous funders of the rightwing conservative movement including the Koch Brother’s family foundation. Beginning with the philosophic origins of the modern state in Machiavelli and Hobbes, the course then moves from the political beginnings of the state system in 17th-century Europe to the beginning of the First World War. A study of contemporary issues in the philosophy of mind. Twitter. A literary survey of English Renaissance literature in the context of its age. Introduction to Early Childhood Education. The Theatre in History II: Dramatic Literature, History, Theory, and Criticism; Renaissance to Revolution (1500-1800). Jonathan Ashbach PhD Dissertation Presentation October 16, 2020 "The Humanities as an Education in... October 15, 2020. Survey of the contemporary science of psychology. Our philosophy program emphasizes the historical development of the discipline, giving you a rich understanding of its interactions across theology and culture. A supervised practical experience in a professional setting. May include general discussions of personal finance, beginning investing, leadership, starting a business, as well as other topics. The emphasis of the course is on training in movement and period style for the theatre. Modern quantum mechanics deal with particles described as wave packets having a range of positions and momenta. This course covers the philosophy and techniques in coaching individual skills, team play, and strategy. The study of plant development, structure and function. A continuation of Economics 202, including an examination of the economy as a whole based on aggregates of price, output and employment. Teaching Methods in the Elementary School. Art History is offered as a minor only. Experience the Hillsdale College education with The Radio Free Hillsdale Hour, a weekly radio program hosted by Scot Bertram, in which we hear from Hillsdale College … An introduction to proof writing, oral presentations, literature research, and computer software applied to mathematics. A course that includes lecture and/or laboratory work in basic electronics, flame atomic emission and absorption spectroscopy, UV-Vis and IR molecular absorption, luminescence methods, NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, electrochemical analysis, and liquid and gas chromatography. Through our classical liberal arts core, you'll develop the skills for the legal profession: the ability to analyze difficult texts, reason logically, and write clearly. This course is an advanced level modern dance technique class, designed to build upon the skills learned in Dance 290. Students complete a part-time (10-20 hours per week) or full-time (30-40 hours per week) apprenticeship in an approved private or charter school. This course is an overview of the field of comparative sociology, focusing on some of the common features and differences among human societies from prehistoric times through the present. This class is an in-depth study of Greek culture from Homer to Aristotle and its legacy in the West. A continuation of English 104 but with a focus on Great Books in the British and American traditions. Sociology is offered as a minor. Early Childhood Education Instructional Programs. Put in the context of your founding, it becomes a higher calling. Advanced Experimental Physics: Electricity and Magnetism. A survey of the labor movement, union structures and internal political forces. Modern physics lab emphasizing experimental techniques. A study of representative literary works of the 20th century, including the modern classical authors Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann, Robert Musil, and Stefan Zweig. The goal of the class is for students to emerge equipped with the professional and personal skills necessary to thrive in a negotiation setting. The department wouldn’t specify the insti­tution it men­tioned as being mis­taken for Hillsdale College in Monday’s statement, though Hillsdale Beauty College is clas­sified as a “cer­tificate” insti­tution in the College Nav­i­gator, a platform of the Edu­cation Department’s National Center for … Skip to content. A mathematical treatment of the theory of the firm and household behavior, including optimization problems, implicit functions and comparative statistics. First, no students are ever permitted to major in education. Europe in the 18th century, through the French Revolution to the fall of Napoleon in France; the expansion of education, science and philosophy; the growth of the middle class and the beginnings of industrialism. Requires planning and delivering instruction for children in the early childhood grades. Restoration and Romantic British Literature: 1660-1830. Visit Department Website. These free, not-for-credit courses are taught by Hillsdale College faculty and are patterned after the education offered on the Hillsdale College campus. “Globalization,” “democratization,” the “clash of civilizations,” the “war on terror”: citizens in the contemporary world confront challenges unanticipated at the end of the last century. Through the study of rhetorical masterpieces, students learn elements of style and arrangement especially suitable for discourse written for oral communication. This course allows students to examine not only the theories, but also the practical applications of those theories to communication in the business environment. This course takes seriously the claim that great works of literature can serve as the source for the serious study of philosophic, moral and political problems. Today, it serves students in grades K-12, and its program has gained national acclaim. Although religiously affiliated, the college was officially nonsectarian. Work in a foreign country outside the borders of the United States. The history program includes courses in a wide variety of subjects, all designed to draw you into the great conversation about the best that has been thought and said in the story of mankind. The ancient civilizations of China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam and their subsequent changes and relations with the West. 37 Reviews. The application of psychological principles to the learning process of the school child. Coaching and advanced skills are covered, along with the selection of a team, preparation, officiating, and conducting competitive events. Fundamentals and philosophy of coaching, with emphasis on best-known offensive and defensive systems are addressed. An introduction to the legal considerations of international business transactions. Readings in Classical Political Philosophy. All business today is global. This class is an intensive study of ancient epic from Gilgamesh through the Roman poet Lucan. The purpose is to allow the student to demonstrate his or her ability to analyze a topic in political economy using the knowledge gained from their course work in history, political science and economics. The course is designed to assist teachers in understanding the diagnostic categories as well as the practices and methods for working with exceptional children in the regular classroom. Practical experience in setting up experiments and supervising laboratory work. As a psychology major, you’ll be asked to think deeply about the role that science plays in shaping our conceptions of mind and society. Business Topics for the Non-Business Student. This history of psychology from the ancient Greek period through the contemporary era is surveyed. DeVos, at an education round table at Hillsdale College, also added this salvo to any incoming administration if Trump is defeated in November: a new education secretary would find it … A survey of the principal writers and literary movements of the 19th century. The theory and applications of vector spaces, matrix algebra, linear transformations and eigenvalues. This course provides a broad survey of the physiological mechanisms involved in the human response to exercise. About Hillsdale Academy. Returning Excellence to American K-12 Education, Race in America: History and Controversies, –Nick Peters, Hillsdale College Physics Major (2000), Van Andel Graduate School of Statesmanship (Hillsdale), Van Andel Graduate School of Government (D.C.), Registrar - Academic Calendar, Course Catalog, Class Schedules, Final Exam Calendar, Undergraduate Application Process - Apply Now, Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship, Charles R. and Kathleen K. Hoogland Center for Teacher Excellence, Hillsdale College Free Online Courses — America’s Public Education, Top 25 Best College Values Liberal Arts Nationally, 2019–2020 Michigan College of Distinction, 2019–2020 Career Development College of Distinction, Best Weekly College Newspaper in Michigan. Students will complete the empirical study that they designed in Psychology 411. Latin is alive and well—and it can be found at the root of much of the language, laws, religion, and philosophy prevalent today. Throughout her four-year career, Matthews has been a versatile and skillful player for the Hillsdale College women's tennis team, achieving great success wherever she's playing in the lineup. The Radio Free Hillsdale Hour is a one-hour weekly radio show created to advance the efforts of Hillsdale College. Hillsdale College, Petitioner, v. the Department of Education: Terrel H. Bell, Secretary, Respondents, 737 F.2d 520 (6th Cir. Biology is offered as both a major and minor. Studies in the sociology of everyday interaction and meaning, usually from a broadly symbolic interactionist perspective. An intensive study of one or more authors or works in classical political philosophy. The course introduces mean-variance portfolio analysis stressing the core knowledge and tools used by professional portfolio managers. The defense and writing of the senior thesis based on research work carried on in earlier courses. An elementary course concentrating on the grammar, reading, and translation of Classical Greek. Emphasis on politics and culture from the foundations of the city to the reign of the Emperor Constantine (about 750 B.C.-300 A.D.). The history of drama and theatre in Europe from approximately 1500 to approximately 1800. Justice and the Law in the Greco-Roman World. The purpose of the course is to develop an integrated understanding of our American historical, literary, and political experience from the seventeenth century to the twentieth century. Can you see yourself teaching at the elementary level, or in youth ministry, fine arts education, or speech or language pathology? Additional experience in figure drawing with an emphasis on anatomy and development of graphic proficiency. Infinite sequences and series. Students learn quantitative methods for describing empirical phenomena and testing hypothesized relationships between variables and differences between groups. English 404 provides an upper-division study of one or more of the traditional genres: epic, lyric, tragedy, comedy, the essay, and the novel. A historical and critical survey of the film as art in the 20th century. Extends the subjects and practices of Music 201 to include secondary dominants, tonicization, modulation, sequences, and Augmented Sixth and Neapolitan Sixth chords. From the Peace of Ghent to the era of “Manifest Destiny” and the deepening of sectional conflict. Study of the political, economic and cultural environment of international business, the comparative advantages of countries, and the strategies companies may pursue to gain and sustain competitive advantage. Hillsdale College Department of Philosophy & Religion. Meet the Faculty. Analysis of decision-making within the firm, emphasizing the conceptual structure of problems and the use of advanced analytic techniques. This course is designed for the undergraduate student interested in sport and exercise psychology as an academic discipline. Not only does the list not include education, there is no plausible rationale hIllsdAlE.Edu A PublICAtIoN of hIllsdAlE CollEgE A historical survey of modern philosophy from Bacon to Kant. This course is a survey of the basic principles of nutrition in health and disease. This course offers an intensive investigation of the French Revolution. E-Commerce, through a business application, directly applies marketing strategies and concepts to a practical commerce-based website. The course serves as a unifying introduction to acting and direction, with emphasis on dramatic spontaneity and on the visual and kinetic dimensions of the art. You’ll study the building blocks of life—biology and its numerous branches, like biodiversity, ecology, and biometrics. History is offered as both a major and a minor. DeVos, a native Michigander, addressed an audience of about 250 Hillsdale community members and leaders in Michigan politics such as Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey on Oct. 19 at Hillsdale College’s Searle Center. Greater Detroit Area Chief Staff Officer at Hillsdale College Higher Education Education Auburn University at Montgomery 1995 — 1996 Masters, Political Science Hillsdale College 1978 — 1982 Bachelor of Arts (B.A. Students will study the history of directing and the performance theories of several important directors. Emphasis is given to the various cost systems—job order, process cost, standard cost and variable costing. An independent work course with individual instruction for the advanced art major in selected problems. Specific content varies at the discretion of the faculty. The course is a study of the nature of sound and the vibrating systems which produce sound. This one-hour course will introduce you to all of the things you should know if you are considering a career in law, including: the basics of the American legal system, what lawyers do, the law school admissions process, the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), and how to write a personal statement. If you’re a creative-minded business major or are looking for ways to make your major more marketable, this minor will introduce you to design fundamentals, web design, color theory, and more. Explore with our professors the intricacy of the human body. Advanced laboratory experiments: electrostatic measurements, magnetic hysteresis, Hall effect, inductance, A.C. circuits, etc. This course considers the perennial disciplinary questions that historians have confronted since classical times. Subject areas covered in this course include criminal law, criminal procedure, evidence, and constitutional law. A survey of the major developments in the theory and practice of rhetoric in Western Civilization, beginning with the ancient Greek and Roman traditions. Post-Reconstruction political, cultural and intellectual trends, the rise of modern industrialism, agrarian unrest, social and economic legislation, progressivism, the United States as a world power, the Depression and the New Deal. Historical consideration of the ancient Greek polis as a political regime from a variety of angles. Russia from earliest times to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. How to Start and Manage a Business—A Seminar. Faine comes to the Charger family from Ohio Northern University, where he started that institution's strength & conditioning program in 2017. Major themes include the impact of independence, the growth of national consciousness, boundary disputes and war in the 19th century, the rise of the caudillo, economic and social development, international relations and the place of Latin America in the contemporary world. However, many of Hillsdale’s program requirements exceed state standards and thereby make the program unique. A course designed to increase the student's range of self-expression in the speaking and writing of French. A close examination of particular topics in journalism, such as investigative reporting, freedom of the press, and ethics. Spanish is offered as both a major and minor. Truly understand French literature, art, and influence—whether you hope to pursue a career in international business or law, or just see the language as a way to better understand and appreciate beauty in our world. 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